Sunday, July 15, 2007

National Guard Military Police Send Off Ceremony

Yesterday was the send off ceremony for a good friend of mine who is being deployed to Iraq for a second time. It was at BU and was for all of the National Guard MP's who are leaving today. I'm really sad that I won't see him for awhile (about 15 months), but am so proud of him and how he has grown up over the years. I was so proud of him when he came safely home from Iraq last year, and I can't wait for him to come home again.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"The Making of Hip Hop Lives" Now Available

The "making of" book I made for the KRS-One music video we shot in LA is officially published. It's 76 pages of set photographs and I'm really happy with how it came out. It's available here:

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of July

Here are a few photos from the Needham fireworks. I've got about a week and a half before I start my new job, as Designer for Boston Magazine. It'll be interesting to see if I have any time at all to take photos once I'm working fulltime+. I'm going to try to keep freelancing on the weekends/nights for additional income, but we'll see how much is actually possible.