Saturday, October 6, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007

National Guard Military Police Send Off Ceremony

Yesterday was the send off ceremony for a good friend of mine who is being deployed to Iraq for a second time. It was at BU and was for all of the National Guard MP's who are leaving today. I'm really sad that I won't see him for awhile (about 15 months), but am so proud of him and how he has grown up over the years. I was so proud of him when he came safely home from Iraq last year, and I can't wait for him to come home again.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"The Making of Hip Hop Lives" Now Available

The "making of" book I made for the KRS-One music video we shot in LA is officially published. It's 76 pages of set photographs and I'm really happy with how it came out. It's available here:

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of July

Here are a few photos from the Needham fireworks. I've got about a week and a half before I start my new job, as Designer for Boston Magazine. It'll be interesting to see if I have any time at all to take photos once I'm working fulltime+. I'm going to try to keep freelancing on the weekends/nights for additional income, but we'll see how much is actually possible.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

New England's Best Beaches

Here are the scans from the July 2007 issue of Boston Magazine, which was my first feature story I've photographed. My photos are all the beach pics (not the photos of the guys, or the still life pics).

It was a really fun shoot, we basically got to spend a week and a half traveling to the best beaches in New England, stay in hotels and take lots of ferries and things. Oh, and all the sand you'll see in the still life photos - that is actually the correct sand from the correct beaches (I had to collect and label sand from every place!)

Thank you to Matt for doing the 10-day shoot with me! :-*

Monday, June 4, 2007

KRS-ONE Music Video Set Photos

Yesterday, I was sent a link of a interview by 50 Cent of KRS-ONE and Marley Marl, whose music video we shot in LA in April. I was so excited, because they show a clip of the music video we did! To see, follow the link, and watch the second video (although both are interesting to watch). The clip of the music video is at around minute 3.

This reminded me that I should post some of my set photos from the shoot. It was Hip Hop Lives by KRS-ONE feat. Marley Marl. Both are truly legendary and it was a such a fun, funny, and intense shoot. We loved being in LA and got along so well with the Director, Todd Angkasuwan. Matt and Todd are so similar in some ways that it's sometimes creepy, and they have the exact same sense of humor... (squirrel milk... eh?) At any rate, Todd is an amazing person, professionally and personally, and it was really a joy to work on the KRS video with him (Matt as the cinematographer and me as the set photographer).

I've also put together a book of the set photographs, which, following approval from the director, will be available for purchase online. I'll post the link to the book when it's available. For now, here are a few pics from the shoot. The last two red photos are from the little "after party" at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles :)

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Linus van Pelt

So, because I can't post any of my work photos, and I am working all the time lately, I have a feeling that a lot of this blog will be photos of my dog and friends... lo siento. At any rate, if anyone was unsure if I were obsessed with my dog, here's more proof.