Monday, June 4, 2007

KRS-ONE Music Video Set Photos

Yesterday, I was sent a link of a interview by 50 Cent of KRS-ONE and Marley Marl, whose music video we shot in LA in April. I was so excited, because they show a clip of the music video we did! To see, follow the link, and watch the second video (although both are interesting to watch). The clip of the music video is at around minute 3.

This reminded me that I should post some of my set photos from the shoot. It was Hip Hop Lives by KRS-ONE feat. Marley Marl. Both are truly legendary and it was a such a fun, funny, and intense shoot. We loved being in LA and got along so well with the Director, Todd Angkasuwan. Matt and Todd are so similar in some ways that it's sometimes creepy, and they have the exact same sense of humor... (squirrel milk... eh?) At any rate, Todd is an amazing person, professionally and personally, and it was really a joy to work on the KRS video with him (Matt as the cinematographer and me as the set photographer).

I've also put together a book of the set photographs, which, following approval from the director, will be available for purchase online. I'll post the link to the book when it's available. For now, here are a few pics from the shoot. The last two red photos are from the little "after party" at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles :)

1 comment:

Anna said...

Diana, these are so great! I love the first one best I think, but I'm always drawn to black and white images. I can feel how crazy the set was in some of them, but it looks like it was fun. It must have been fun to be working with Matt, too!