Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Return of the Blog

At the inspiration of Frank Armstrong and Anna Mazzarella, and at the change of gradauating from college and entering the real world, I'll decided to start up a photo blog again. The only catch is that I can't post any of the photographs I've been shooting for Boston Magazine or other companies I'm freelancing for. I'll have to wait until there are tearsheets, which I'll post in the future.

The following photos are some snappies that I can legally post. They were all taken while on assignment for Boston Magazine. I'll post the details of the shoot once the issue is on stands, but for now, it's enough to say that it was an 8 day shoot, all around New England, and we got to see a ton of amazing places. Anyway, these are pics of Matt and I, so I shouldn't have a problem posting them ;)

Currently, I'm on my next assignment for Boston Magazine, will last through next week, and I'm also on another assignment next week for a more commercial company. Again, more details about both shoots once the issues are out and the shoots are done for the bigger company. Today is my first real "day off" since I graduated from college - I've been working pretty much nonstop, which feels good, but is making it a little hard to, say, unpack, figure out my future, etc...

The first three are of Matt, jumping... as per usual. And the last three of photos he took of me while I was working :)

1 comment:

pitchertaker said...

Welcome back (key music: Welcome Back Kotter)....
Does that boy EVER keep his feet on the ground? Makes me tired just lookin' at the pics. That hair pic reminds me of another of you with knitting in hand....hehehe
